Last year, Apple unveiled the new Apple Watch Ultra 2, alongside the iPhone 15 lineup, boasting several enhancements and a revamped user interface with watchOS 10. While this iteration featured improvements such as an upgraded processor and a brighter display, Apple’s plans for a microLED version of the Apple Watch Ultra have encountered obstacles due to supply chain challenges.
Initial reports suggested that Apple aimed to release the microLED Apple Watch Ultra as early as 2026, with some sources hinting at a potential 2025 launch. However, recent information from The Elec indicates that supply chain constraints have caused delays in the introduction of the microLED version. Apple has yet to align its supply chain for an expedited rollout of the wearable device.
Earlier speculations indicated that the microLED Apple Watch Ultra would feature a superior display technology surpassing OLED. However, the transition to microLED now faces postponement, potentially pushing back its debut. Furthermore, there were reports of Apple gradually introducing microLED technology to other devices like the iPhone and iPad, but this transition is expected to take several years.
The delay in launching the microLED Apple Watch Ultra can be attributed to the substantial cost of production associated with the technology. Manufacturing a 2.12-inch microLED display reportedly costs approximately $150, compared to $38 for OLED panels. Integrating microLED into a device priced at $799 would negatively impact Apple’s revenue. While Apple may await improvements in microLED yields to lower production costs per unit, the expenses are expected to remain higher than those for OLED panels.
Despite the challenges, Apple remains committed to phasing out LCD, OLED, and miniLED panels in favor of microLED in its future product lineup. While a potential launch date for the microLED Apple Watch Ultra is yet to be specified, updates will be provided as more information becomes available.