Apple is set to make a splash in the mixed-reality market with the upcoming launch of its highly anticipated Vision Pro headset. According to industry analysts and reports by Mark Gurman, the headset is expected to be unveiled soon, with a consumer release targeted for the end of January and sales beginning in February 2024.
To prepare for the launch, Apple is ramping up production of the Vision Pro in China. Developers have also received emails urging them to test their applications with the latest tools and submit their products for approval, showcasing Apple’s commitment to building a robust app ecosystem for the device.
In a further effort to ensure a seamless user experience, Apple is training staff from its experience stores on various aspects of the Vision Pro. This includes learning how to attach the device’s headband and change prescription lenses. By investing in training, Apple aims to provide customers with a user-friendly and hassle-free experience.
The Vision Pro holds great significance for Apple as it marks the company’s first standalone product line since the introduction of the Apple Watch in 2015. Priced at around $3,500, the Vision Pro is positioned as a premium offering, although reports suggest that a more affordable version is also in the works.
With this major launch, Apple is expected to make a significant impact on the mixed-reality market, solidifying its position as an innovator in augmented and virtual reality technologies. The Vision Pro is poised to offer consumers a new and immersive way to experience digital content, further expanding the possibilities of mixed reality.