Apple recently launched the Vision Pro, a high-end headset featuring a curved glass front that protects its cameras, sensors, and external EyeSight display. Concerns about the durability of this curved glass have been put to the test in a recent drop test conducted by AppleTrack on YouTube.
The drop test involved subjecting the Vision Pro to various real-world scenarios, simulating drops from different heights. The results were surprising, with the curved front glass exhibiting remarkable durability. Even when bumped against walls, it only sustained minor scratches and scuffs.
More impressively, the glass remained intact and did not shatter even after being dropped from heights of over 6 feet. However, the test did uncover a vulnerability in the Vision Pro. After a few falls, one of the speakers stopped working, but the front glass remained undamaged.
Real-world simulations, including collisions with walls and cabinets while wearing the headset, demonstrated the robustness of the external display. Users can be reassured that it can withstand everyday use without worry.
However, the hinge or temple of the Vision Pro proved to be its weak point. The durability of the hinge was questionable compared to the front glass. When dropped from a height of almost eight feet, the curved glass finally shattered.
Surprisingly, even without the exterior glass, the internal EyeSight features continued to function perfectly, exposing the cameras and sensors. While the Vision Pro demonstrated resilience in everyday use, it’s important to note that glass is still susceptible to breakage.
Although the curved glass can be peeled off easily after shattering, revealing the internal components, both the internal and external displays still lit up after the drops. Priced at $3,499, the Vision Pro is a premium device that users are advised to handle with care.
To provide additional protection, Apple offers a protective case for the headset at an additional cost of $199, available for purchase on the company’s online store.