Apple is set to join the AI revolution in smartphones, following in the footsteps of Samsung and Google. During the recent earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook hinted at the inclusion of generative AI features in the upcoming iPhone 16 lineup. While a more detailed discussion is expected later in the year, it is likely that these features will be unveiled at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in the summer, with a subsequent release in September alongside the iPhone 16 launch.
Tim Cook shed some light on Apple’s approach to generative AI, emphasizing their tradition of completing internal work before publicizing it. He expressed enthusiasm about the developments and promised more details in the coming months. Code discovered in iOS 17.4 indicates that Apple is actively exploring the integration of AI into Siri for tasks such as summarization and smart replies in Messages.
Furthermore, Apple’s AI applications may extend beyond Siri and into various Apple apps like Apple Music, Pages, and Keynote. The company is experimenting with both on-device AI models and those reliant on an internet connection, showcasing the diverse possibilities in their AI endeavors.
With Samsung and Google already making strides in AI, it comes as no surprise that Apple is eager to join the trend. As the smartphone industry continues to evolve, integrating AI features into smartphones has become imperative. Apple’s foray into AI with the iPhone 16 lineup is a testament to their commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.
As the year progresses, we can expect more information about Apple’s generative AI features and how they will enhance the user experience on the iPhone 16. Stay tuned for updates at the WWDC and the subsequent release in September.
Here’s what Cook said:
In terms of generative AI, which, I’d guess, is your focus, we have a lot of work going on internally as I’ve alluded to before. Our MO, if you will, has always been to do work and then talk about work and not to get out in front of ourselves. And so, we’re going to hold that to this as well. But we’ve got some things that we are incredibly excited about that we’ll be talking about later this year.