During an earnings call, Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon hinted at the upcoming release of Microsoft’s Windows 12, coinciding with the launch of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite. While Windows 12 was not explicitly mentioned, Amon stated that the Snapdragon X Elite’s release would align with the introduction of the next version of Windows, featuring enhanced Windows AI capabilities. The targeted timeframe for this release is set for mid-2024, aiming for a launch before the back-to-school season.
This information supports previous speculations and reports, including statements made by an Intel executive last year, who predicted a favorable year for client devices in 2024 due to a Windows refresh. Additionally, a December report from Taiwan’s Commercial Times suggested a potential June 2024 launch for Windows 12, making it less than three years since the release of Windows 11 in October 2021.
Amon’s statement implies that Microsoft intends to incorporate various AI-related features powered by OpenAI in the upcoming Windows 12 release. These advancements are anticipated to enhance the user experience and provide new capabilities.
However, despite these anticipated advancements, consumer adoption may not be immediate. According to Statcounter, current statistics show that 66% of Windows users still operate on Windows 10, with only 27% having transitioned to Windows 11. It remains to be seen how quickly users will adopt Windows 12 once it is released.
In conclusion, Qualcomm’s hint at the imminent release of Microsoft’s Windows 12, in conjunction with the Snapdragon X Elite, has sparked anticipation among tech enthusiasts. The expected incorporation of AI-related features in the new Windows version promises exciting possibilities for users.