In anticipation of the early release of Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy S24 series next year, the camera module market for the flagship Ultra model is shared between Samsung Electro-Mechanics and China’s Sunny Optical. The Ultra model holds a significant 45% share in Samsung Electronics’ overall shipment plan for the three Galaxy S24 series.
Interestingly, the camera module specifications and suppliers for the Galaxy S24 standard and Plus models are identical, treating these models effectively as one from the perspective of camera module companies. The Plus model, similar to the trend seen in the flagship smartphone market, has faced sluggish sales in recent years.
For the Galaxy S24 series, codenamed ‘Eureka’, Samsung Electronics has selected three camera module suppliers. The company aims to ship a total of 35.2 million units, with the regular model accounting for 13.5 million units (38%), the Plus model for 5.8 million units (16%), and the Ultra model for a significant 15.9 million units (45%).
The Galaxy S24 Ultra’s rear camera module boasts a 200-megapixel wide-angle camera, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera, a 10-megapixel 10x telephoto camera, and a 50-megapixel 5x telephoto camera. Samsung Electronics and Samsung Electro-Mechanics supply the 200-megapixel wide-angle camera, while Sunny Optical and Namuga are responsible for the 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera. Both Samsung Electro-Mechanics and Sunny Optical contribute to the 10-megapixel 10x telephoto camera, as well as the 50-megapixel 5x telephoto camera. The 12-megapixel front camera module is supplied by Namuga and MCNEX.
Given the high price of ultra camera modules, suppliers Samsung Electro-Mechanics and Sunny Optical are expected to benefit from the Galaxy S24 Ultra’s promotion by Samsung Electronics. For the standard and Plus models, Samsung Electro-Mechanics and Partron supply the 50-megapixel rear wide-angle camera, Cammsys and Power Logics provide the 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera, and Power Logics and Samsung Electro-Mechanics contribute to the 10-megapixel telephoto camera. The front camera modules for these models are produced by Cammsys and Power Logics.
With Samsung Electro-Mechanics leading with 7 types of camera module models secured for the entire Galaxy S24 series, followed by 6 types from Power Logics, 4 types from Cammsys, 3 types from Sunny Optical, 2 types from Partron, and 1 type from MCNEX, the success of Samsung Electronics’ camera module partners will depend on factors such as early development, dual form delivery, and sales volume by model and region in the anticipated 2024 release of the Galaxy S24 series.