WhatsApp has recently unveiled a range of new text formatting options, aimed at enhancing the chatting experience for its users. These additions come as an update to the existing formatting tools, which already include bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace text styles. The latest features, including bulleted lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code formatting, are now available across Android, iOS, Web, and Mac platforms.
To make use of the new bulleted lists feature, simply begin your text with a “-” symbol followed by a space, and continue adding items by repeating the process. Similarly, for numbered lists, start with a number followed by a period and a space, such as “1. “, and proceed accordingly. Creating block quotes is as easy as placing the “>” symbol followed by a space before the quoted text. Lastly, to format text as inline code, enclose it within “`” symbols. For example, “`here’s an example`”.
WhatsApp has also provided an image illustrating these new formatting options, making them easily accessible for users. These additions are set to enrich conversations and streamline communication on the platform, offering users more flexibility and creativity in their messaging. Whether it’s organizing information with lists, emphasizing important points with block quotes, or showcasing code snippets with inline code formatting, these new tools are sure to enhance the overall chatting experience on WhatsApp.