At last year’s WWDC event, Apple unveiled the Vision Pro headset without specifying its release date. While speculation points to a first-quarter 2024 launch, recent reports from a Chinese investor news service suggest that Apple might debut the headset in the last week of January.
Originally, Apple indicated an early 2024 release for the Vision Pro headset, currently in development alongside the visionOS platform. However, iOS 17, crucial for the headset’s functionality, has faced challenges, prompting ongoing bug fixes. To ensure a smooth launch, Apple is diligently working with developers to address issues, particularly those affecting cellular connectivity on various iPhone models.
The latest information from Wall Street News, citing the Chinese investor news service, proposes a potential release date of January 27 for the Vision Pro headset in the United States. Notably, the report hints at a Saturday launch, but it’s uncertain whether this refers to January 27 in China, a Friday in the United States. If the latter, the launch could potentially happen on January 26, a Friday.
Apple traditionally avoids weekend product launches, often opting for weekdays to maximize media coverage and stock market impact. Despite this, Apple has not officially announced any launch event for the Vision Pro headset. If such an event is in the cards later this month, expect invites to be sent out after the first half of January.
Industry analyst Mark Gurman previously suggested a Vision Pro headset release by the end of January or early February. With the latest report pointing to a specific date, the launch might be imminent. However, it’s crucial to approach this information with caution, as the final decision rests with Apple.