Qualcomm these days unveiled its brand new flagship ARM chip tailor-made for Windows computer systems, dubbed the X Elite. However, the tech giant is also exploring a decrease-tier variant probably to be christened the Snapdragon X Plus.
The suspected candidate for this chip is diagnosed by using the SKU variety X1P following the nomenclature pattern installed with the X Elite (X1E). Testing has discovered the existence of two variations: X1P44100 and X1P46100. Both editions feature the Snapdragon X65 5G modem incorporated, despite the fact that unique specifications concerning the chips’ architecture remain undisclosed.
While assumptions suggest that the X Plus would possibly derive its middle architecture from the X Elite, albeit with decrease clock speeds, such conjecture remains speculative. Reports from Winfuture hint on the possibility of a ten-core Snapdragon X Plus complementing the 12-center X Elite.
Qualcomm’s custom ARM cores are expected to introduce big competition to Apple’s ARM chips within the Windows surroundings.