Samsung’s latest flagship, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, launched in January, boasts a titanium frame that sets a new standard in smartphone design. According to tipster Revegnus, the next Samsung device to feature these premium features could be the Galaxy Z Fold6.
Last year’s Galaxy Z Fold5 featured an aluminum frame, making the Galaxy S24 Ultra the only Samsung smartphone to now feature a titanium frame. Given the increasing trend of upgrades and pricing in the Samsung lineup, especially considering its expected higher price compared to the Flip6, it is reasonable to predict that the Fold6 will be adopted in titanium.
While the Galaxy Z Fold6 will adopt a titanium frame, it is still uncertain whether the Galaxy Z Flip6 will follow suit or stick with aluminum. The horrors apply to the latter approach.
Rumors suggest that the Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Z Flip6 will launch in July, promising more revelations about these anticipated foldable devices in the coming months.